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Aslcepias tuberosa is a popular and attractive perennial for borders and cutting for warm dry places. In the past it has been known in the orange form or as a mixture ('Gay Butterflies'). for the first time, we are able to offer seeds of Asclepias tuberosa in a select yellow colour.
'Hello Yellow' can be easily raised from seed and comes true to colour. The entire plant is only 50 cm tall and is therefore shorter than usual. 'Hello Yellow' also flowers up to three weeks earlier than the wild form, beginning in June to the end of August. Asclepias tuberosa attracts a large number of rare butterflies and is known commonly as "butterfly weed".
The soapwort is a popular cushion plant for sunny spots which flowers reliably in late spring. 'Snow Tip' is a pure white variety with healthy dark-green foliage which quickly attracts the eye. In the past, only the pink form would raise true from seed, and 'Snow Tip' is a valuable addition to the range. This undemanding rock garden plant grows to 30 cm and flowers from June to mid August.
Because the good Russel-Hybrid varieties are difficult to propagate by vegetative means, Lupins have been grown from seed for decades now, and the striking features of the original Russel Lupins have been neglected as a result. From our own production, we are now able to offer a mixture of the new generation of Russel-Hybrids that can be raised from seed, the Carnival range.
Carnival is a select strain with dense, large flowers an long-lasting spikes. We have produced the seed ourselves from controlled, healthy and vigorous plants. Carnival is a colourful mixture of pure white, pink, red, yellow, orange, blue, pale blue, violet and glorious bicoloured combinations. The plants grow to 100 to 140 cm and bloom from the beginning of June to the middle of August. A few loose flowers can be produced the first autumn if sown in early spring but full development will be achieved the next year.
'Snowdrift' is a new seed variety of the double garden Shasta Daisy and is very easy to grow and propagate. The pure white blooms of the variety 'Snowdrift' are long-lasting and distinguished by the double to semi-double flowers which surpass many named varieties in form and colour. Healthy growth and good winter-hardiness are further features of the 'Snowdrift' variety which is 80 cm high and flowers from June to September.