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’Good Hope’ is first year flowering, hardy to at least Zone 9, always looks tidy and is easily grown as an annual for pots or the border. The continuous tubular shaped clear light pink blooms last from May until frost.
The species was blessed with wide, glossy green leaves that produced thick clumps. ’Blue Fingers’ is a more disease resistant, shorter (45 cm/18“) form. In addition, the sturdier flowering spikes have lovely blooms, with slightly twisting petals, of brilliant medium blue color. ’Blue Fingers’ is first year flowering from seed!
’Little Tutti Frutti’ is a colorful mix that sprouted from the popular and durable Lewisia Longipetala-Hybr. series. ’Little Plum’, ’Little Peach’ and ’Little Mango’ were Jelitto’s first introductions and have all proved better adapted to withstanding winter wet.
’Little Tutti Frutti’ contains a balanced mix of colors that include white, magenta, pink-red, orange, plus plum, peach and mango. Jelitto’s ’Little Tutti Frutti’ is an excellent Lewisia blend for containers or the rock garden with colorful blooms from May through mid-June and again in September.