U.S. and Canada Native Plant lists by Region
you interested in native plants?
We have provided downloadable spreadsheets of U.S. and Canadian native plants that are currently
available from Jelitto. Included are variety Item codes and a USDA
symbol (acronym) that can be used on the USDA Plants database website. Type in the 4 or 5 letter symbol (acronym) and use the pull
down menu to choose SYMBOL to find the regional nativity of the plant.
Download Excel Spreadsheets:
Native Perennials for US and Canada Master list
Native Perennials for US Master list
Native Perennials for Canada Master list
Regions USA:
Native Perennials for Northeastern US
- includes Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland (West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky)
Native Perennials for Southeastern US
- includes (West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky), Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana
Native Perennials for Midwest US
- includes Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio
Native Perennials for Southern US
- includes Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas
Native Perennials for Great Plains
- includes North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri
Native Perennials for North Central US
- includes North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin
Native Perennials for Southwestern US
- includes Arizona and New Mexico
Native Perennials for Mountain US
- includes Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado
Native Perennials for Western US
- includes Nevada and California
Native Perennials for Pacific Northwestern US
- includes Oregon and Washington
Native Perennials for Alaska
Native Perennials for Hawaii + Puerto Rico + Virgin Islands
Regions Canada:

- includes Yukon, Northwest Territory and Nunavut

- includes Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Labrador

- includes Saskatchewan and Manitoba

- includes British Columbia and Alberta