Sedum is known to be essential for low-care roof greening. For this reason we have steadily increased our selection to 25 varieties. This extensive range amply covers the diverse demands created by widely differing roof specifications. Success is guaranteed by using tried and tested varieties to produce a durable and interesting green roofs. The result: differing colours and leaf forms, coupled with extended flowering, gives any roof an interesting and enhancing appearance. The effort and expense involved in sowing per square metre is, in comparison to planting seedlings, considerably less and correspondingly cheaper. Existing roofs can be repaired or renovated simply by sowing out a "repair kit.
Green Roof
Art.No.: MX410
Basic Mix of Herbal Plants+Grasses for Green Roofs -
Art.No.: DA033
DELOSPERMA hybridus Mixture
Art.No.: MX610
Standard Sedum Mix for Green Roofs -
Art.No.: MX400
Basic Herbal Plant Mix for Green Roofs -
Art.No.: MX590
SEDUM mix England-South Scandinavia