Edible Flowers - The New Taste in the Garden
We have long been fascinated by the beauty of flowers. What could be better than to bring this fascination from the garden to the kitchen? A salad with flowers, candied for tea, as a decoration on soups or the plate. Or snacking directly from the stem... In so many ways, edible flowers expand the ornamental garden's valuable bounty!
JELITTO PERENNIAL SEED GmbH presents a selection of flowers that are edible in raw, cooked, as a bud, candied or used in other preparation. The consuming of flowers and buds happens at your own risk and should only be done upon prior research on amount, knowledge of preparation and possible side effects. Source and hygiene of the flowers should be known and safe.
Edible Flower
Art.No.: OA092
ORIGANUM vulgare var. albiflorum(Album) -
Art.No.: LG074
LAVANDULA angustifolia Hidcote Blue-Strain -
Art.No.: DA288
DIANTHUS plumarius fl. pl. Nanus 'Pink Tones' -
Art.No.: OG027
OENOTHERA macrocarpa ssp. fremontii 'Silver Wings'(missouriensis) -
Art.No.: PO152
PASTINACA sativa -
Art.No.: MO098
MELISSA officinalis -
Art.No.: SO040
SALVIA officinalis 'Extrakta' -
Art.No.: BO050
BORAGO officinalis -
Art.No.: DA196
DIANTHUS deltoides 'Albus'[Confetti White] -
Art.No.: CO496
CICHORIUM intybus var. intybus -
Art.No.: SA072
SALVIA verticillata 'Alba'[White Rain] -
Art.No.: OA001
OCIMUM americanum 'Typ Lime'(basilicum var. citriodorum) (Lemon Basil) -
Art.No.: VA238
VIOLA odorata 'Königin Charlotte' -
Art.No.: LO530
LYTHRUM salicaria[Rosy Gem, Red Beauties] -
Art.No.: AO258
ALLIUM ursinum -
Art.No.: OO011
OENOTHERA biennis -
Art.No.: SA067
SALVIA nemorosa 'Rosakönigin'[Rose Queen, Rosenwein] -
Art.No.: CA641
CORIANDRUM sativum 'Typ Slow Bolt'(Foliage Coriander) -
Art.No.: PG926
PRIMULA vulgaris wild form(acaulis) -
Art.No.: SA059
SALVIA sclarea var. turkestanica 'Vatican Pink' -
Art.No.: LG078
LAVANDULA angustifolia Munstead-Strain -
Art.No.: FO018
Art.No.: VO024
VALERIANA officinalis -
Art.No.: SA075
SALVIA nemorosa 'Merleau Blue' -
Art.No.: AO484
ANETHUM graveolens(Dill) -
Art.No.: OO003
OCIMUM basilicum 'Typ Cinnamon' -
Art.No.: GA034
GALIUM album(mollugo) -
Art.No.: LA490
LYCHNIS flos-jovis nana 'Peggy'(SILENE) -
Art.No.: EO030
Art.No.: LA486
LYCHNIS flos-cuculi 'White Robin'