Salt tolerant perennials and grasses
For coastal areas and roadsides
Roadsides and coastal areas often contain a high salt content in the soil. Many plants have difficulty establishing themselves under these conditions. However, not all plants suffer equally from these special requirements. Some genera and species are particularly well suited for saline sites and allow a varied and aesthetic planting even under these difficult conditions. The following is a list of all perennials from the JELITTO STAUDENSAMEN GmbH assortment, which are excellently adapted to these demanding conditions.
Salt tolerant
Art.No.: BG015
BAPTISIA australis[Caspian Blue] -
Art.No.: LO512
LYCIUM barbarum(chinense) -
Art.No.: AA900
ARMERIA pseudarmeria Ballerina-Series 'Ballerina Lilac' -
Art.No.: BG012
BAPTISIA australis 'Alba' -
Art.No.: AA027
ACHILLEA millefolium 'Cassis' -
Art.No.: OA028
OENOTHERA macrocarpa ssp. incana Silver Blade®(missouriensis) [Pewter Moon] -
Art.No.: ZA112
CORTADERIA selloana 'Rosea'(argentea) [Pink Feather, Pink Plume] -
Art.No.: BA042
BERGENIA cordifolia 'Winterglut'[Winterglow] -
Art.No.: BA040
BERGENIA cordifolia 'Rotblum'[Red Beauty, Red Start] -
Art.No.: CO674
CRAMBE maritima -
Art.No.: ZA276
MISCANTHUS sinensis 'New Hybrids' -
Art.No.: LA480
LYCHNIS coronaria 'Oculata'[Angel's Blush] -
Art.No.: RA130
ROSMARINUS officinalis(SALVIA rosmarinus) (Rosemary) -
Art.No.: VO250
VITEX agnus-castus -
Art.No.: OA080
OPUNTIA humifusa(vulgaris, compressa) -
Art.No.: GA290
GLAUCIUM flavum -
Art.No.: EO014
ECHINOPS ritro -
Art.No.: LG078
LAVANDULA angustifolia Munstead-Strain -
Art.No.: ZA033
ANDROPOGON scoparius 'Prairie Blues'(SCHIZACHYRIUM) -
Art.No.: AG988
ASCLEPIAS tuberosa 'Gay Butterflies'
Art.No.: PA412
PLANTAGO major(Common Plantain) -
Art.No.: DA135
DIANTHUS arenarius f. nanus 'Little Maiden' -
Art.No.: CA346
CENTRANTHUS ruber 'Albus'[Snowcloud] -
Art.No.: ZA283
MUHLENBERGIA capillaris[Ruby] -
Art.No.: PA564
POTENTILLA argentea -
Art.No.: LA080
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Rosea'[Pink Perfume] -
Art.No.: LA390
LOTUS corniculatus -
Art.No.: AA005
ACAENA microphylla -
Art.No.: TO008
TARAXACUM officinale(Dandelion) -
Art.No.: AO984
ASCLEPIAS tuberosa